Ahoy mateys! Remember that time many moons ago when I declared it to be International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Well, turns out that is a real thing, not something I made up (who knew) and tomorrow is actually Talk Like a Pirate Day. All I have to say is arrrgh, why is all the rum gone? Savvy?
I don't have all that much to say today, but I wanted to pop in and give you a little peek into what has been going on dans ma vie lately. Isn't that what Instagram is for anyways? I've been doing so much traveling and after-work events lately that I've been trying to make the most of my time when I am just at home. That has involved some pampering (haircuts, self-manis, shopping), roommate time (we officially only have one LOST episode left) and appreciating all that my city has to give! Oh, and there has been plenty of puppy cuddling time thrown in there. And this weekend I'll be heading down to little old Williamsburg to get a little QT with the brother. That will probably involve a lot of Sports Center, lounging and maybe a party or two. I'm sure you'll see it all on Instagram anyways :)

Walking puppies in raincoats and sipping lattes with foam art on rainy days

Getting fall-ified with purple manis and a drastic new 'do

Nights spent shopping at preview parties and baking delish garlic knots

Enjoying everything my city has to offer, like fun color races with friends and Capitol sightings
You can always follow along with my Instagram adventures here, but don't do it if you aren't a fan of adorable little pups, because that is a lot of what my insta-life consists of :)
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