Salut mes amis! I trust you all had lovely weekends? Little old me sure did, as I got to take a trip down memory lane at my alma mater for graduation weekend! It was almost an overwhelming feeling to realize it had been a full year since I sat under those Oaks and anxiously awaited for my name to be called and walked across the stage to complete my years of formal education. It was definitely an emotional weekend, especially as I got to see dear friends take those same wonderfully thrilling and yet terrifying at the same time steps, and join me in "the real world." I know they will all do smashingly well over on this side, and I was so, so proud of them! I can't even imagine how I will feel in two years when I am hearing the names of my swim babies (the freshman class when I was a senior) being announced. I guess that will make me officially
Loves, I must apologize for my semi disappearance the last couple of days! I've just been a little occupied lately, but I really don't mean to neglect you my lovely bloggy friends! Hopefully, it will not happen again anytime soon. I also want to congratulate the darling Jenn, from
The Stylish Housewife, on winning my
True Whit book giveaway! Congrats Jenn and I hope you will enjoy reading Whitney's musings on every thing under the sun!
This outfit has actually been sitting in my computer folders, itching to get posted on the blog ever since last Thursday, and I am finally obliging it's wish today. Last Thursday I got to enjoy one of my favorite aspects of living in the city- impromptu nights out with friends.When my bestie, who is on summer break from law school, informed me that her hubby was working late and she was already bored with no work to do and needed a night out we decided she should pop on over for a fun girls night! So roommate, bestie and Eli and I all walked down into Gtown and had appetizers and drinks at an adorable outdoor Italian restaurant. It was one of those perfect nights where you just talk, laugh, sip and stuff your face with delicious mozzarella caprese and calamari! Oh and if you think that the location of these photos looks distinctively like something you have seen in an old horror movie ... you are correct! The priest from the Exorcist was hurled down these very 75 steps in the climactic scene. Naturally, I had to take photos there, right?
This is just a few minutes from my apartment and there are constantly tourists taking photos on the steps. So we decided, why not! |
Dress: H&M, Chambray: Madewell, Wedges: Payless, Necklace: Charlotte Russe , Rings/Earrings/Bracelet: Gifted |
So do you remember my comfy as PJs outfit? Well I think these wedges are the shoe equivalent- comfy as slippers maybe? They seriously feel like flats, and never hurt my feet, but still give me the much needed height boost. Can you say true shoe love?? |
Question for anyone else using a 50 mm 1.8 lens with a Nikon: Do all your photos come out with horrible red eye? Every single shot I have taken with this lens does, and when I edit in Picasa, my eyes turn all black and soul-less, like above. Since my eyes are actually my favorite feature of myself, that is quite disappointing for me and I'd love any tips you all have! |
I wanted to take all shots looking up the stairs like this, but upward angles are not even remotely flattering on me. So pretend that you could see the cool/creepy steps in all of them. Danke. |
For some reason I felt very 90s nautical in this outfit! The dress was the obvious nautical culprit, so I guess that makes the knotted up chambray the cause of the 90s vibe. |
Wait, what is that you say? You want to see crazy pictures of my partners in crime being goofy? Ok, but only if you tell them you begged and pleaded and I reluctantly gave in and let you see these. Deal? Good.
Bestie's best exorcist pose! Don't worry, she did not follow this up with a 360 head turn. |
And my monkey roommate apparently was bored by the stairs. She prefers wall climbing instead. |
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