Bonjour mes amis! Oh I have missed you sweet little things! Even though it has only been since Friday, it feels like ages have past since we last chatted. And man oh man has it been a crazy and eventful few days! Between my whirlwind (but wonderful) trip to Boston, the news of Osama bin Laden's death and 2 very long work days I feel like I have not stopped going full speed ahead since Friday. So basically this is my rambling way of telling you I'm tired, but I didn't want to skip another post tonight so tonight you get the cliff notes version of A La Mode et Plus. Aka outfit pictures and a game! Tonight's game is wedding themed. Roommate and I stayed with an engaged couple this past weekend and we had so much fun talking about their wedding plans, that weddings have been on my mind ever since. Well weddings and Osama bin Laden, but let's be real: weddings are so much more fun to talk about! So for tonight's little Laura wants to get to know her readers better, I want to know what your favorite moment of your wedding day was (for my married readers) and what you are most looking forward to (for the engaged and single ladies). So go ahead girls, and talk wedding!
Tee: LOFT, Jeans: Levi's via Kohl's, Flats: American Eagle, Watch: Michael Kors, Sunnies: Marc Jacobs |
So I don't know about you, but when I fly I want to be uber comfortable. That means clothes that I can easily move around in and contort myself in tight, inevitably uncomfortable sleeping positions without waking up all wrinkly. But of course, I am not willing to sacrifice all style for comfort, so you'll never catch me flying in sweats, or worse leggings as pants. Thus, my super basic but still cute All-American girl Levi's and a striped tee combo going on here. |
I always remember to keep my accessories to the bare minimum when dealing with airports, as no body wants to be the girl who sets off the alarms a million times, holds up the security lines and gets treated to a super awkward pat down experience all because she had to wear those cute bangles, dangly earrings and giant cocktail ring. For me, my Michael Kors watch was all I needed. |
Ironically, the one accessory that I'm wearing that would have been very practical during my sunny baseball-filled weekend was the one thing I forgot to bring: my sunnies. I took these photos minutes before heading out to drop Eli off at his puppy sitter and then head to the airport, yet somehow in these few minutes I managed to take the sunnies off and leave them behind :( |
Do your outfits ever make you feel a certain culture, which in turn makes you pretend you are that culture all day? Hope that isn't just me being weird. Again. But this outfit made me feel very French and all I wanted to do was sit at a cafe sipping lattes and indulging in flay croissants! Instead I settled for sitting in an airport with roommate drinking an iced chai and eating, well actually no we didn't eat. We did watch Harry Potter though. Nous sommes très chic! |
After seeing this picture, I think I missed my calling in life. I am pretty sure I would have been a fantastic model one of those deodorant commercials where the girl is trying to subtly smell her pits to make sure she doesn't smell! Oh my parents would have been so proud. Alas, I am no subtle-pit-smeller, but merely a journalist. |
I can't wait to share my Fenway pictures with you tomorrow! I hope you like baseball, because that is what is for dinner tomorrow! I'll see you on the flip side :)
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