Evening dahlings! I hope you are feeling quite grand today and that you had a lovely Thursday. And now that I have tricked you into thinking I am fancy and that this blog is a very serious place, let me properly greet you: Happy Cinco de Mayo mis amigos!! I hope you all ate some delicious guac and maybe even toasted your fiesta with a delicious margarita? Roommate made sure that we did! I'm so lucky to live with her. Is it wrong that I secretly plan to sabotage any relationship so she can't ever get married and leave me?? Oh wait, that is wrong isn't it. Ok, ok fine I won't sabotage I'll just move in with them! Is that a good compromise Stephen? :) Oh and for those of you counting (cough Stephen) that is three times that roommate's bf has been mentioned on the blog.
So remember when I said I had Boston pictures to show you and that you'd see them, oh yesterday? And remember when you got nutting from me yesterday? Ya, that was my bad. Sometimes, like when I am having a sick day, I am just a bad blogger and I break my promises. I swear I can change though. Don't give up on us, dear. What we have is worth fighting for! Ok I think I'm done being weird now. Maybe. No promises.
Forget Disney World-this is the most magical place on Earth! |
I was so close to the famous Green Monster. And with the sun setting over it, I never wanted to leave. |
The fans were amazing! The accent was probably the cutest thing I've ever heard. It just reinforced that I must find me a Boston man to marry! |
Even though we were in the "cheap seats" (I beg to differ), we really thought we had the best view in the place! |
I kind of did these out of order, but we snapped a few pictures before the madness outside swallowed us! And please ignore my "the sun is blinding me face." |
You always need a photo with a giant blow up Mascot doll, right? |
It took like a bajillion tries to get a photo without all the crowds in the way. So excuse the cheesing really hard smile going on here. |
Hehe roommate's bf is a Yankees fan and I (obviously) am a Red Sox fan. Roommate is ambivalent. Her bf and I are fighting for her baseball soul's eternal resting place. I bought her ice cream. I am winning :) |
I almost forgot to share a photo of the real reason we went to Boston. I know it would appear that the Red Sox were the reason, but you see that big yellow arrow up there? Pointing to the handsome fella that I do adore? Yep, brother's baseball was the reason for our little Boston vaca, with the Red Sox just being an added benefit. |
Ok I hope you didn't mind the photo overload going on here! If you couldn't tell it was a wonderful, wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back and visit our friends, and actually do some sight seeing around Boston, rather than just hoping from field to field. Oh and I don't know if you noticed, but I finally figured out how to keep all my photos the same width. I hope you like the new look! I think it adds a nice touch of organization to it.

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