Salut mes amis! I hope you all had a lovely hump day and will be able to make it through until the weekend! I don't know about you but I am particularly excited about this weekend because it is going to be
birthday-celebration filled!! Yes, I am secretly 5 and still adore making a big deal about my birthday. And no, I don't plan on ever growing out of it. Thanks for asking though. Friday will kick off the weekend on a very high note, as I get to spend the afternoon with mother dearest having a mother/daughter spa day. I am kind of ridiculously excited a. because I lub-a-dub-dub (it is a make up words kind of night) my mumsicle and spending time with her and b. because I've never really had a massage (minus a bad experience in China that I will have to share sometime) and I am excited-like a little girl getting ready for her first pony ride excited. We will continue the fun Saturday as I celebrate with friends by enjoying some Italian cuisine and late night dancing with the best pals a girl could ask for. Sunday will probably be like all other Sundays- sleep in, make a fun breakfast and commence movie day. Heaven, right? And even though Monday isn't technically part of the weekend, that is my actual birthday so I will have to keep right on celebrating. It is mandatory, of course.
So it has been an
awful long while since I shared some of my favorite things of the moment with yall, and since we could probably all use
une petite break from photos of me, me, me today seemed like the perfect day to share. That is what you were hoping for when you hopped over here tonight? Bueno. :)
1. Man oh man, when I get into something, I
really get into it and I just can't get enough! Cue the 80s movie domination occurring in our Netflix cue right now.And let me tell you, I am L-O-VING it! I can't even believe that I haven't seen these phenomenal films before. I was missing out. Breakfast Club is by far my favorite that I have seen so far, but Pretty in Pink was a close second, probably because of the sincere appreciation for pink and her fantastic sense of style.

2. St. Patrick's Day and all related things! Remember that whole thing about making a big deal about my birthday? Yeah, that really goes for any holiday. I love them. Any reason to celebrate a random week day is totally A-Ok in my book! And one where I get to run around pinching unsuspecting victims for not wearing the right color on the 17th of March is even more A-Ok! How will you be spreading the holiday cheer tomorrow, and even more importantly what will you be wearing while doing it? I may or may not be sporting some emerald green and slightly bedazzled fingernails. You will just have to check back to find out :)

3. Blazers!! I can't even say enough good things about this fabulous little article of clothing. They are all powerful. They can be masculine-chic or further accentuate all your feminine wiles. They can dress up your favorite casual lounge day outfit, or they can easily transform most any outfit into a work-appropriate ensemble. I only own one little beauty but I will continue to lust over others, such as the fabulous collection Zara is offering. This particular tan darling is enhanced by the leopard print cuffs. I want it, I need it, I covet it. Too much? Never.
4.Give me a pair of sky high wedges with a bit of cork and I will be yours forever. Of course this Miu Miu pair isn't really realistic, but boy they sure are drool-worthy.
5. I am desperately ready for spring weather so that I can finally start sporting some majorly bright garments and try out the whole color-blocking trend! I have been pushing myself this winter to try my hand at mixing prints and now it is time to move on to mixing multiple brights in one outfit. I love using one bold splash of color, but I haven't experimented much yet with combining the brights. Can't wait to try it out!
So, loves, what are your loves lately? C'mon spill, I really want to know or the suspense might kill me :)
P.S Wondering where the h-e-double-hockey-sticks this post title came from?? Any guesses? None? So simple, really. All of those things make me extra happy and this is a post all about inducing happiness, right? Et voila!
P.P.S If you were to win $1,000 in the lottery, how would you spend it? I would love to hear your answers! And don't worry, I promise there's a rhyme to my reason! Or wait, is that reason to my rhyme... Don't know!