Salut mes amis! Happy Thursday! I am like a giddy girl on Christmas eve hoping she got a Barbie dream house excited for this weekend! I hope you followed that lovely little simile. (P.S. English major over here almost called that a metaphor, but I stopped myself just in the nick of time!) Yes, basically I have been living for the weekend all week. Not because it wasn't a good week. Quite the contrary, it was a productive and successful week. But productive and successful just don't quite compare to the awesomeness that shall be this weekend. Shall we discuss? Ok, Friday: Wake up late, cuddle with puppy all day and probably veg out and let brain decompress from all the productivity this week. Then... Girls night out with two of the best ladies I know! Watch out DC because we are giving you our best stuff tomorrow. I'm not sure you are even ready for it. Saturday: Brunch with more amazing ladies who I do not see nearly enough of (unlimited mimosas. Enough said), backyard BBQ party at a family friend's house and then (hopefully) a half-way to Christmas party in Baltimore with a college friend.
C'est la plus parfait Samedi, mais oui? Just answer with a loud, resounding "oui" if you aren't sure. I promise you that is the right answer. And Sunday: Well Sundays are just always nice because for some reason you just don't feel the guilt you would feel any other day of the week when you do absolutely nothing before 11 am, and then proceed to stay in your PJs all day and watch movies. Ok, so I'd do that any day and not feel guilty. But roommate wouldn't! And I can always convince her to join me in my slothdom on Sundays. So how you do like them weekend bananas? I like 'em!
So I think I covered the awesome for this segment of awkward and awesome Thursday. What's the awkward you say? I got one that takes the cake. Allow me to set the scene for you just a bit. I am sitting on my bed, writing you this post. Eli (cutest puppy in the world for any new comers) is sitting contently in his favorite corner of the bed chewing his favorite little bone, not phased by my fervent typing at all. All the sudden he waddles over, licks my hand and whimpers a bit, totally melting this puppy-momma's heart. I pick him up and set him in my lap. He curls up. He gives me this look...
And then he farts. On my lap.
Sometimes you just need to take it back to the basics. And does it get any more basic for an evening stroll down M Street with your roommate than an older than dirt miniskirt, a striped tee and sandals? I think not my friends. |
So I am realizing that my scrunchy hair look doesn't translate well to photos. Such a bummer since it is has looked like this all week. C'est la vie! |
This hill previously served no purpose in life to me, other than annoying me every time I would spot it perfectly empty while I sat stuck in unmoving traffic below it, but unable to escape the madness via it, as it is a down only hill. But who in their right mind would go down this thing! But my creative genius roommate discovered the perfect purpose for this otherwise useless lump of a hill (hehe get it?). PICTURE time!! It worked out perfectly because, like I said, no cars even dare to go down. Thus, we had plenty of time to shoot and reshoot (because we all know I am a total diva like that) to our (read:my) heart's content! |
Is it wrong that I like this accidental, kinda blurry shot because it has a paparazzi feel to it? If secretly wanting the paparazzi to love you is wrong, I don't want to be right. |
Remember how I promised to repay you for your outfit ideas? And how I suggested the repayment would most likely be embarrassing? Voila. I have no explanation. My face has a mind of its own. Hmm faces having minds? Now there is an interesting concept. I think my one crazy mind is enough to deal with. I just can't factor in two minds to contend with at this point. Face mind, try back later and maybe I'll have an opening for you. |
Btw, I've got to put in a plug for the oldest trick in the book. You know how they say whenever you are suffering from writer's block, you should just start writing whatever comes to your mind without thinking about it? Well, it works. At least it works to get you writing again. Whether or not it works to get you writing anything interesting is another story.
Enter this post.
P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook for additional photos, sneak peeks and Deal of the Week features!
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