Hello beautifuls!! Remember me? The girl who used to entertain you with musings about all things pretty and then disappeared?? Well the good news is that I am back! My friends left yesterday and I was quite sad to see them go, but I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful visit with them! We had a blast hanging out, catching up, giggling and gossiping, riding rollercoasters and exploring DC! (Quick shoutout to Emily and Jack who I think read this sometimes: I had the most perfect weekend with both of you and could not ask for two better best friends! Love you dearly and can't wait to see you for homecoming!!) Check back soon for picture documentation of our fabulous adventures :)
So really quickly, I have to share a piece of news with you that I am very excited about! I have never, ever won any kind of random drawing in my life. I stopped participating in raffles years ago because I was never the winner and thought maybe I was cursed with bad luck in giveaways. Since I started blogging, though, I decided to be optimistic and I have entered just about every giveaway I have come across on your lovely blogs. Today, I got news that I was finally a winner! And to top it off, I had one a giveaway that was one of my favorites ever! Thanks to
Belle de Couture and
Lavender Cottage I will be receiving this beautiful pendant in the mail shortly!
Well my dears, since my second monthiversary as a blogger is rapidly approaching, I decided to take the time to introduce myself to you all a little bit more. One of my daily must-read bloggers,
Katie of Fashion's Maven, just posted a lovely little survey and asked for everyone to answer the questions as well, so I am obliging her request :) Enjoy darlings.
What is your favorite time of the day?
Ok this is going to be a very corny answer, but my favorite time of day is really more of a moment than a specific time, because it happens at different times on an given day. But it most definitely occurs each and every day. On my desk at work the only decoration I have yet to put up is a picture frame that reads "FAMILY: WE LIVE, WE LAUGH, WE LOVE" and contains a photo of my college swim team given to me as my senior gift from the team. Without fail, every time I glance at the photo for the first time in a day, an unmask-able happiness shows on my face as I grin from ear to ear. The photo never ceases to remind me of how truly unforgettable my last year of college was single-handedly because of the group pictured. We shared an unbreakable bond that I will never forget and always cherish. That team represents the thing that I am most proud of in my life, and I love having a reminder of that sitting on my desk, daily awaiting me like a surprising little treat.
Not the same photo, but one taken right after the one I have framed. |
Where and when did you meet the love of your life?
When I find him I will absolutely let you know! Though I have been in love twice before (once was puppy love and the other was the real thing) I am still waiting to find THE love of my life. Until I do, I am perfectly content to be surrounded by my many loves of life: my incredible friends and family.
What 3 words would your friends outside the blogging world use to describe you?
Empathetic, caring and loyal
Spent a week at the beach this summer with some of my best friends |
What country would you like to visit and why?
For someone with a serious travel addiction, this is a dangerous question! If we are picking a country I have already been to, I would have to say France because I miss it so dearly and cannot wait to return to my beloved Paris. But, if I was choosing a new, unexplored area I would pick Australia (and yes, I do know it is a continent!) I've always been fascinated by the exotic culture of the land down under and as a die-hard beach girl, I think I would easily assimilate right in to the laid back life.
Some day, some day! |
What is your favorite dish to cook?
Citrus tilapia. It is actually the first dish I ever made completely on my own. I was very nervous, because I had never been a terrific cook and didn't even really like fish all that much. I was so pleasantly surprised when not only was the meal well-received by my taste-testers, I discovered that I too enjoyed the course! I have since then experimented many times in the kitchen and developed a real interest in cooking, as well as a love of most fish! I am currently working on becoming less dependent on recipes and a bit more creative with my cooking endeavors.
Not my tilapia- never taken a photo of it |
Salt or sugar?
Hmm at different times I crave different tastes, but I would have to say that more often than not I want sugar! I am my father's daughter in the sense that I am the queen of the sweet-tooth!
If you want me to love you forever, bring me this delicious-ness! :) |
What are your must have make-up or beauty items?
I have mentioned this a few times, but I am not a beauty expert at all! I am working on experimenting with my daily look and diversifying, but at the moment I still tend to just quickly throw on my routine products without much though. I currently use artistry liquid foundation and powder, because I like the more full coverage look of a powder on top of the liquid base. For eyeshadow, I have a few clinique shadows that I have borrowed from my mom over the years that I enjoy and I will try to match my eyes with the color palette of my outfit as often as I can. I go through phases with mascara, but right now I use Cover Girl LashBlast every day and I am very satisfied. I love the non-clumpy defined look and it lasts all day. I honestly cannot even remember the name of the blush I use right now, but when I remember to throw it on it is one of those multi-colored shades that I prefer because of the natural, glowing look it gives my skin. I am not picky on gloss, as long as it is a light shade of pink to go with my fair skin that doesn't feel too sticky. The one beauty item that I swear by is St. Ives apricot face scrub. I absolutely love the way my face feels after using this product. It is like an at-home facial that is gentle enough for daily use. And the price tag is pretty unbeatable!
absolutely divine |
What are your favorite flowers?
Pink roses, hands down. I think flowers in general are incredibly romantic so anytime a guy gives me any flowers, especially if it is a random surprise and not a special occasion, I am extremely happy. But, if you really to get me a flower that I adore, it would be a pink rose.
So pretty |
What do you think are your worst vices, honestly?
I have a tendency to bottle things up inside because I don't trust a lot of people. I have a hard time sharing my feelings with people unless I am very close to them and comfortable with them. Funny enough, blogging is actually helping me to overcome this though because it forces me to get more comfortable being open with people.
At what time of your life were you the happiest and why?
Oh my gosh what a great, but tough, last question! I think I have to choose two, because they are so equal in my mind. The first is when I was studying in Paris. It was the best four months of my life, even though I desperately missed family and friends, and I learned more about myself than I ever could have imagined. I discovered I was a very capable young woman, and much more independent than I had thought. I learned my strength, and I learned how to be happy with exactly what I had. Absolutely invaluable lessons if you ask me! The second time in my life that I was indescribably happy was my senior year in college. I mentioned that at beginning of this long post and I will say it again. Meeting the friends that I met through swim team my senior year was a life-changing experience. I found a group of people who needed me, counted on me and gave me a strong sense of purpose. I felt like the leader I had always wanted to be, and I developed life-long friendships that mean the world to me.
My lovely swimmers during our fall retreat. Miss them all dearly! |
To keep with the theme of getting to know each other better, I'd like to ask for feedback from you my lovely readers. For those of you are checking out my newest adventure, what would you like to see from the blog that you aren't currently getting? Essentially, where can I improve to make this blog better for you? I'd love to hear from you lovelies!!
Well, if you made it to the bottom of this epicly long post, thank you! I hope many of you will answer these questions as well because I would love to learn all about you! I will go ahead and tag a few people just to get the ball rolling, but I invite anyone who wants to participate to join in the fun! If I tag you and you have already done this, sorry!