Evening ladies! I hope you've all had a wonderful week and are busy planning your fantabulous weekends. I'm still reveling in the glory of my beach getaway that was pure bliss and haven't been able to pull myself out of the beachy haze just yet to make plans for this weekend. So for now, indulge me a little and let me reminisce. I'll entertain you with a healthy dose of Awkward and Awesome!
- My recent bus rides home have been a wee bit crowded leaving standing room only. I try and remember to wear flats to make balance easier, but my post-beach brain forgot and wore one of my highest pairs on a day the bus was sardines-in-a-can (aka jam packed)! Trying to hold on and balance in 4 inch stilettos as the bus bumps along the hilly roads of upper Georgetown turns a bus ride into a workout. Well, on this particular day I was just plain tired, and not holding on very well when we hit an usually large bump. And what do you think happened? Because it is my awkward life, I toppled right on over into the seat I was standing next to... and right onto a little old man's lap. Yep... that's my life.
- The fact that I am a blogger who doesn't know how to post Instagram photos to blogger... #embarrassing #firstworldproblems
- Discovering on Tuesday morning that I had left my deodorant at the beach. Then discovering it was 90+ degrees that day. And our usually frigid office was unusually hot. Aka I wasn't smelling pine fresh, and since I was meeting friends at the Nats game that night, I was kind of hoping to smell somewhere in the ballpark of decent. To top my stinky self off, there was a cute boy involved in the baseball festivities.
- Having to admit to you that I wore sneakers with a dress today. Yes, I feel 50 shades of shame. Yes, it was forced upon me. No, I'll never do it again. Phew, I feel better getting that off my chest.

For me, no beach day is complete without a page-turner, water and plenty of sunscreen. Oh, plus a great beach companion, aka my bff/brother.

Punchy pedicures and feminine bikinis are definite beach essentials.

I was quite happy to have a driving-buddy for my six hour drive home after an exhaustingly-fun beach weekend. He was a liiiiitle sleepy though :) But it was all worth it to be home and cuddling with that face!
- Beach weekend with the best people I know. Drinks were shared, laughs were heard and memories were most certainly made. I live for the nights I'll always remember with people I could never forget.
-Quality time with my bro on our long drive together. We had one of the best conversations we have ever had, and it gave me new insight into his life and feelings about baseball I never knew he had.
- Frozen yogurt meetings. Seriously, there is no better meeting than one that involves shoveling in spoonfuls of cold, yummy goodness topped with fresh fruit and catching up with old co-workers/friends.
- Summer nights filled with ballparks, outdoor concerts and movies on the Mall. Is there anything better than Summer??
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