So pretty much everyone and their mother has been posting year-end wrap ups and plans for the new year. I'm not usually one to just jump on a bandwagon, but I am kind of a fan of this bandwagon so I thought I would hope on board before it was too late! I truly do feel very good about what I accomplished this year and while I usually don't believe in dwelling on the past, I think it is ok to occasionally reflect and be excited at what the future has to offer at the same time. 2010 was a year of self-discovery and learning. Life has thrown me a few curveballs, but I can honestly say I am very happy with how things have worked at and can't wait to see what will happen next!
Highlights of 2010, in order of occurrence:
1. Gaining a pseudo sister
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In January my sweet little cousin moved in with us and it was an adjustment for all of us at first, but I absolutely love this girl! She has become the sister I never had (and always wanted). We have a blast together doing all kinds of girly stuff I could never do with my brother, and I will miss her oodles when I move out! |
My first outfit photo :) I never would have thought that I would be brave enough to start a fashion blog, or to show pictures of my outfits to people I don't know, or that anyone would even want to see them! Most importantly, I never would have known how much joy blogging could bring me. It truly is something I look forward to doing every day, and I have all of you lovelies to thank for that. Even though I have never met any of you (although I hope to change that in 2011), I feel as if I have made some great blogging friends and I hope to strengthen those friendships in the coming year! |
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My current love of life is this little bundle of joy. I hope that I see a loooot of her in 2011, because I love her so, and her parents (my cousins) are pretty awesome, too! |
And of course this post wouldn't be complete without mentioning a sampling of things I hope to accomplish this coming year. If it goes according to plan, 2011 will once again be a year of great change and excitement.
Resolutions for 2011:
1. Work out 4 times a week- Ok, this is totally cliche, but i really do intend to make good on this promise. I have missed having a regular routine and schedule for my exercise since I graduated and stopped swimming.
2. Be 10 pounds thinner by June- Goes along with the first one, but I know I will be interviewing again for my next job and it can't hurt to be a tiny bit skinnier, right!
3. Have 200+ followers before 2012- I am 100% thankful for where my blog is right now after 4 months, but also very excited about the improvements I can make over the next year!
4. Blog quality content daily- Currently I tend to blog every other day, or every 3 days when I am super busy, but I am looking forward to getting to a point when I am blogging daily.
5. Land a permanent job that I love- The job I currently have is a one year fellowship, so my time is up in June. My goal is to have something else lined up that I love just as much after June. Cross your fingers for me, please?
6. Move into my own place in DC with Sam- I am officially moving out of my mom's house in the beginning of February, but I'm not moving far. My friend Sam and I are temporarily staying in my grandmother's old condo until we both have stable jobs and can afford a fabulous place in DC. Can't wait for that day!!
7. Cook twice a week- I really love cooking, but don't do nearly enough of it. I am determined to try out many new recipes this year and experiment more in the kitchen.
8. Do a major closet cleanse- I have waaaay too many items hanging in my closet that I don't ever wear anymore and I think it is time for a major clothing overhaul.
9. Find my next great love- Ok, so I know this one can't really be planned but a girl can hope, right! My love life has been absolutely dead for two years and I would really love to not be able to say that next year.
10. I don't have a number 10, but it just seemed weird to end the list on 9 soooo pretend that I have a number 10, please?
Ok, my loves I wish you all a blessedly happy New Years Eve and can't wait to see photos from your festivities! I will be ringing in the New Year with those same awesome people I went to the beach with and I am definitely looking forward to it. What plans do you girls have? Keeping it low key, or going all out for 2011?