Bonne année mes belles! I hope you soaked up the last bit of awesome in 2011, and kicked off 2012 with a bang! I spent my night in the company of some of the best friends a girl could ask for, so I definitely can't complain. And it didn't hurt that there was a cheese platter, a super cuddly puppy and some delicious bubbly involved! All things considered, I'd say we said sayonara to 2011 in style. While I enjoyed many parts of 2011, I think I can safely say I am more than ready for a new year. And I declared that 2012 will be my year (the year of full-time, permanent employment, the year of love and the year of being a kick-butt fake maid of honor!) so let's get it started dolls!
So for any of you uberly confused by my title (what, you didn't know I had mad modeling skills?? I'm hurt, really.) you need not fret, as I will hence forward explain my assertion. And that concludes the portion of talk in a pretentious manner of this evening. Ok, now really I'm done. Anywho... Last Friday the magazine I now work for needed stand-in models for a shoot about a private bar at an ambassador's home, and I got to participate! All I really did was sit in the back at the bar and talk to a guy, but it was really fun to see how a real, live photo shoot all comes together. I admit, I was totally fascinated by how much time and effort the photographer put into making sure everything was aesthetically perfect, down to the exact arrangement of pillows on the couches. I am now doubly excited for our February issue, as it will contain my modeling debut, and my first article! Can't wait :) So after my successful modeling gig (hehe) I did what all future supermodels do. I went to the free zoo lights with my awesome friends! I hadn't been to the zoo since high school, and it totally brought back so many childhood memories. It was the perfect end to the holiday season!
Sweater: Christmas gift from dad/brother, Top: LOFT, Jeans: levi's via Kohl's, Boots: Steve Madden, Scarf: Paris, Earrings/ring: gifted, Bag: THEIT Bossi Bag |
If it was socially acceptable I would wear this sweater every day, all winter long. I wore it tonight actually. It is the most comfy sweater I have ever owned, it adds a little extra warmth in this blistering cold we are having, and it can be worn belted or open to add variety to my outfits. Plus, it is a fun length. So yes, that us my explanation for why you might see this often this winter! |
I am a girl who gives credit where credit is due, and today credit is due to Miss Kendi. I had already wanted to wear this sweater, and then I stumbled upon this lovely outfit, and I was sold! I love easy dressing mornings :) They mean I can justify laying under the coziness of my covers for that extra 7 minutes. Yes, for me it is always 7. Not 5, not 10, but 7. |
Annnd can we take a minute to thank my wonderful mother for gifting me this bag that I have been eyeing (read drooling over) for months now?? Thanks wonderful mother!! She was so tricksy and completely fooled me by telling me that I shouldn't expect the bag because she hadn't been able to find it in stock at any point (which was totally reasonable considering how popular it was). So imagine my total surprise (and delight!) when I opened a box on Christmas morning and found this lovely staring up at me. You would have thought I was a six year old opening up a My Little Pony from all the squealing that occurred! I can't wait to head to my maternity shoot this weekend with this baby! |
So dearies, tell me about your New Years Eves! Did you enjoy some bubbly, dance the night away or ring it in with the sweetness of midnight kisses? Or did you do all 3?? Then I might have to be really jealous :)
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